Saturday, 5 December 2015


Praying for the climate - Advent 2015

In an interesting coincidence but a propitious juxtapostion the Paris Conference of the Parties (COP21) - or UN Conference on Climate Change - gathers at the same time as Christians begin the period of preparation and reflection known as Advent.  Though Christmas has been hijacked by our consumerist culture, with more people probably aware of 'Black Friday' (the first big day of sales) than 'Advent Sunday' (the first day of the Advent season), some of us will be doing our best to retain that attitude of quiet reflection and humility before the 'mystery' of the Incarnation.

This year we have one of the biggest issues there is to meditate on - the future of our very tangible but possibly not sustainable world resources - and to decide what action we should take, now and going forward.  Many people fast for the climate on the first day of each month: December 1st inevitably took on a special significance this time.  Others have marched to Paris, or led demonstrations, or decided that their faith led them to 'pray and fast for the climate'.  There are also climate-related Advent Calendars available, such as this one by A Rocha UK: no chocolate - just inspiration from a different voice each day. 

Blog and discussion

David Soward has elaborated on the facts, the motivation, and possible responses to damaging global warming for the Chase Benefice website

At Wychwood Circle we have a discussion planned on 'The Ethics of Climate Change' on June 5th 2016 - with an illustrious guest speaker in the shape of the recently retired White's Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford University, John Broome.  John Broome has first-hand experience of world climate conferences and international efforts to come to some political agreement on what can and should be done about the climate.  We are lucky to have him on our list for 2016.