Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Welcome to Wychwood Circle

Wychwood Circle meets once a month at Wychwood Library in the village of Milton under Wychwood in West Oxfordshire. It is an open forum attended by people from many miles around, with a range of philosophical, theological and spiritual standpoints.  Our tag is that we discuss what we believe and what we believe in.  Initial discussions centred on the concept and practice of compassion, with or without a religious approach or motivation.  On September 30th, instead of basing our dicussion on chapters from a book, we will be playing host to Chris Sole who will present the theme "Compassion and Mindfulness: a Buddhist's view" as a starting point.

Meetings are from 19:00 to 21:00, usually (with the exception above) on the second Sunday of the month.

More information is available on or from

1 comment:

  1. Comments and views on topics alluded to on this page will be welcome. In time this could grow into an online forum.
